Friday, December 11, 2009

Why Nerd Girls Love Jane Austen

One of the fundemental rules of being a true "nerd girl" is a deep and all consuming passionate love for our dear Jane. If you're a girl claiming to be a "girl nerd" who has never read pride and prejudice I'm sorry but you're full of crap and no I dont care how many Doctor Who fanfics you've written.
Today however on the long bus ride home I started thinking to myself why is it that we all love Jane so much? is it because of her fiesty leading ladies who rebel against society and conformity for love? hmm no.
I think it has something to do with the men.
One of the things that sucks about being a girl nerd is the men who arn't socially retarded when it comes to dating are incredibly boring because their interests lie soley in cars and football while the men who share a girl-nerd's interest are completly incapable of forming a romance with a woman without turning into either obsessive stalkers or forgetting about their girlfriend the moment the latest version of final fantasy comes out.
Jane however provides us with a world where the men and women SHARE interests but the men are CAPABLE OF WOOING, oh be still my quivering bodice. One of my all time favorite Austen romances is NOT Elizabeth and Darcy but rather Henry and Catherine! the moment the two of them squeed and fangirled over gothic novels I suddenly felt myself aching for my own Henry, charming, funny and a little bit silly who shares my geeky interest.
Jane gets us, we dont just want an Edward Cullen or Rambo, we want the package of charm but also compatibility.