Saturday, May 23, 2009

Psychic vampires

Far more terrifying then Edward Cullen of William the Bloody ( which isn't that hard all things considering) is the dreaded, evil nice vampire.
So what exactly is a nice vampire? chances are you have encountered them in your life especially if you are a 'good'person. A nice vampire instead of sucking blood drains its prey of its politeness, kindness and compassion until there is nothing left at all. You know the sort of person who blogs and twitters constantly about their desire to kill themselves over a lost eye liner pencil and expects everyone to comment sympathetically and yet will never comment you the rare time you've announced that you broke your spinal chord at your grandparents funeral.
The sort of person who always wants to talk to you online about how their relationship problems and yet never has time to listen to you when you've lost your job.
The sort of person who arranges elaborate social gatherings and is insulted if you cant go yet flat out refuses to ever attend your birthday party.
As Rocko from Rocko's Modern Life once said a relationship is about "give and take" and nice vampires tend to take far more then they give.
They're the sort of boyfriend who will spend hours waxing on about how dark and poetic they are and yet they tell you to "just get over it" when you ring up crying because somebody sexually assaulted you on the train.
They're the sort of friend who spends all their time constantly picking on a new person to be their ultimate BFF only to discard them once they've drained that said friend of all their kindness.
Nice vampires are incredibly dangerous and hard to spot but here are the normal signs.

1: Do they force you to listen to their problems constantly and yet dismiss you when you have something to say?

2: Do they only ever talk to you when somethings wrong never actually inviting you to their fun parties and social events?

3: Are they always borrowing your things and then never returning them?

4: Do they make you want to scream and pull your hair out?

Chances are they are a nice vampire.
The only escape from a nice vampire is too delete them off your facebook.

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